Hello, y’all.
I wanted to republish something I wrote in November of last year that some of you may have read when it originally came out. Reason being is because of recent developments surrounding Israel, Iran, leaked classified documents, and the woman who might be behind it all.
Original Post
Back on October 13th, I wrote a feature in my American in Name Only series, highlighting Robert Malley, the former Obama and current “Biden” flunky. If you don’t recall what I wrote about Malley at the time, here’s a few tidbits to paint an accurate portrait of the man and his loyalties.
He’s the son of Simon Malley, who was a long-time associate of PLO Leader Yassar Arafat.
When Malley was serving on Obama’s campaign team in 2008, it came to light that he and others in his circle had regular meetings with Hamas leaders. Malley had to be “fired” from the campaign, thus freeing up more time to continue his appeasing of the Iranians and their terrorist proxies off the record while carrying information about the meetings back to his boss, Barry.
Malley was hired back on officially after the 2012 election and was one of the major players in Barry’s giveaway of billions of dollars to Iran in the closing days of his administration.
Once Biden had been installed, Malley picked right back up where he left off. He was appointed to be the leader of the pro-Iranian faction in the White House whose only agenda seemed to be getting the Iranians to forgive the US for allowing Trump to be elected.
At the moment, though, Malley is in a wee bit of trouble over accusations of improper handling of classified documents and has had his security clearance removed for the duration of the investigation.
Now, whatever is a disloyal a-hole like Malley to do to make sure the current Iranian regime remains in power? Why, make sure that his flunkies are just as disloyal as he is. And he’s found some winners.
Enter Ariane Tabatabai
That hiss you hear is Ariane Tabatabai slithering by. She’s Iranian-born and employed over at the Pentagon, serving as Malley’s front-line associate in his little pro-Iranian White House working group. She’s currently serving as the Chief of Staff for the Assistant Secretary of Defense for special operations. Think that role requires a security clearance? It does, and guess what, she still has it. I want you to remember that as I paint the picture of who she is for you.
Emails have also come to light showing that Tabatabai during her tenure in the Pentagon sought advice from the Iranian Foreign Ministry on how she could best help the terror regime and offered to ghostwrite propaganda for its Western allies. This wasn’t a one-way conversation by the way; the Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif reportedly was quite eager to accept her proposition.
So, it should come as little surprise that recent revelations about Tabatabai show her to be engaged in activities far beyond being Iran’s cheerleader in the Pentagon. Not only was she willing to do public relations for Iran, but she was also willing to help squelch Iranians opposed to the current regime in Teheran.
The news site Semafor.com released a report back in September detailing a report that had been prepared by the University of Baltimore. In the report are details of how Tabatabai and another Malley associate, Dina Esfandiary, had worked with Saeed Khatibzadeh, an Iranian diplomat who now serves as the regime’s deputy minister of foreign affairs, to help put down Iran’s leading opposition group, the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK).
Ivan Sascha Sheehan, an associate dean of the University of Baltimore’s College of Public Affairs, added this in the report regarding Tabatabai, Esfandiary and Khatibzadeh’s efforts to control the narrative:
“By seeking to neutralize favorable impressions of the organization among Washington’s foreign policy elite, Tehran sought to take down an entity capable of aiding Western attempts to curtail the Iranian regime’s nuclear weapons program, malign regional agenda, human rights abuses, and fundamentalist inclinations.
“By brazenly targeting the highly effective dissident organization, the operatives hoped to leave US officials with the false impression that there is no viable alternative to the ayatollahs — and certainly not one with a pro-democracy record that remains committed to toppling clerical rule.”
Gee, it’s almost like they want Iran to continue to be the leading sponsor of terror in not only the Middle East but worldwide.
But there’s more to the story, friends. This underhanded coalition didn’t start during “Biden’s” time in office. This started back in 2014, when Barry was still running the show. March 2014 to be exact.
Tabatabai, Esfandiary and Khatibzadeh became known as the Iran Experts Initiative and took to working closely with a think tank allied with the Iranian Foreign Ministry. Tabatabai and Esfandiary would write drafts of opinion pieces encouraging the Obama Administration to sign the Joint Plan of Comprehensive Action (JPCA), the lovely little treaty that never received Congressional approval (as the law dictates) that resulted in Iran pinky-promising to reduce their uranium enrichment project in exchange for the US reducing sanctions against the terrorist nation. How’d that work out?
So, Tabatabai and Esfandiary wrote the op-eds, Khatibzadeh and his buddies in Iran would sign off on them or ask for re-writes, and liberal media took it from there on promoting the JPCA by publishing the Iranian-approved opinion pieces.
It didn’t stop there. Op-eds were also written to smear MEK and paint them as an unwanted fringe group. By presenting a negative point of view of the Iranian opposition group, the hope was to convince the US government that there was no viable alternative in Iran and the US was just going to have to learn to live with the mad mullahs in Teheran. Tabatabai and Esfandiary even regurgitated Iranian propaganda in their op-eds, claiming that the mullahs’ Shiite religion forbade nuclear weapons, claiming it was not Halal (permissible). Wonder what their rationale will be if we ever see a mushroom cloud rising over Jerusalem?
Now, does Tabatabai and Esfandiary’s behavior rise to Biden level, of selling one’s nation out for mad stacks of cash? No. I’d say it rises to the level of gullible idiocy and disloyalty to the country they live in. Still doesn’t excuse it, no matter what. And despite her behavior and shilling for the world’s leading terrorist nation, Tabatabai still has her security clearance. Terrific government we have, isn’t it?
Last Friday, someone posted some highly sensitive intelligence information on a Telegram account that has ties to the current regime in Iran. The information contained details of Israel’s up-till-then secret plans on launching strikes against Iran’s nuclear facilities and other high-value targets. The Pentagon’s information had been obtained through collaboration with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, which is the branch of the US government responsible for satellite spying and other means of electronic surveillance. The satellites had apparently caught sight of the Israeli Air Force moving advanced weaponry into place for deployment on IAF aircraft in anticipation of a large-scale assault.
However, a high-ranking Pentagon official speaking under anonymity has come out to the Sky News Arabia website to name Ariane Tabatabai as the likely leaker of the information. Tabatabai currently serves as the Chief of Staff to Christopher Maier, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict. In her role, she would have access to the highest level of intelligence information, access that, in my opinion, should have been cut off in light of her close alliance with Robert Malley and her pushing propaganda for Teheran.
Now, I don’t know if we’ll ever know for sure what role Tabatabai had in this leak. Given her history and apparent loyalties, she’s certainly a prime suspect in my opinion.
But there’s also another question, and that’s just how high up does this leak go? Is it possible there were several people in the Pentagon, if not the entire “Biden” Administration, who wanted this information out there because Joey’s issued statements opposing Israel striking Iran’s nuclear facilities. Maybe the thought process was that if this intelligence was “leaked,” it would force Israel to back off. It’s not that the White House cares about what actually happens in the Middle East; they just don’t want a huge war breaking out that might lead to the current administration being blamed this close to the election.
Who knows; maybe outing Tabatabai by this anonymous Defense Department was a simple matter of office politics. Maybe the squealer was less concerned about the legality of the leaking and ratted her out due to having an axe to grind with her; maybe even to move her aside so someone else could add “chief of staff” to their resume for their post-” Biden” Administration job search.
I seriously doubt we’ll ever know who the true leaker was or, if we do, that the individual or individuals will ever face any real justice for what they did. It’s borderline incestuous how these people in the Swamp protect each other. I would not be shocked to start seeing a mass immigration of Swamp creatures with questionable ties to foreign governments fleeing to other countries who have no love for Trump should he win the election next month. They’ll literally be the rats abandoning the SS Biden as it slowly sinks beneath the waves. Good riddance to them all.
Thanks for reading.