Elon Musk is Batman!
Seriously, when's the last time you saw Musk and Batman in the same room together?
Want further proof? There’s this helpful graphic:
OK, yes, I'm clowning around (See how I slipped in the Joker reference?). But in a way, maybe he is.
I’m All A-Twitter!
The liberal media and the Democrats seem to have turned into Musk's personal Rogues Gallery since Elon Musk decided to buy a less than 10% stake in Twitter's stock. That seems like a small amount, and yet his small ownership automatically made him the company's largest shareholder. He was even offered a seat on Twitter's Board of Directors. It would have been a prestigious position, but like something created by a DC Comics villain, in actuality it was a trap.
See, if Musk was sitting on the Board, he would be limited to a less than 15% control over company stock. He would have not been able to use his financial leverage to push for, or enact, changes he felt Twitter needed to make. To get that kind of control would have required ownership of more than 50% of Twitter's stock.
See, Musk is old-fashioned when it comes to the issue of Freedom of Speech. He believes that everyone should be free to speak their mind, even if it goes against the so-called narrative. And unfortunately, right now, Twitter is the Global Public Forum. Musk has watched as Twitter employees have routinely censored or deplatformed individuals and companies that have spoken out against the approved narrative that fits their worldview of conformity.
Even before Musk bought into Twitter, he (somewhat ironically) took to the platform to poll his followers on whether they thought Twitter abiding by their publicly voiced stance that they supported free speech. Know how they felt about it?
Huh. How ‘bout that? Now, you could discount his poll by saying that anyone who follows Musk automatically thinks like he does; otherwise, they wouldn't follow him. And yet, almost 30% of his followers still believed Twitter played fair with all points of view being allowed.
Now, Musk isn't advocating that Twitter should be open for someone to make direct violent threats against others, or that it should be used as an avenue for child pornographers to cultivate victims. But he is saying that just because someone has an opinion that goes against the liberal orthodoxy of conforming and doing what you’re told by our “betters,” that they shouldn't be denied the right to speak their minds.
For the record, Twitter seems to have a very one-sided point of view for what’s allowed. Last time I checked, the Taliban and the religious nutbugs who run Iran, two groups that routinely suppress women and murder members of the LGBTQ community, continue to have access to spout their hatred against all those non-believers in the Muslim faith and to demand that Israel be wiped from the face of the Earth, but question election results or imply Fauci and the Chinese Communist Party were involved in the creation of COVID, and they’ll banish you into the cornfield (it’s a Twilight Zone reference if you're not familiar with it).
The S#*t Hits the Fan
It was this week when things took a very interesting turn. After being entertained by reports of Twitter snowflakes being on the verge of tears and needing a day off to grapple with the possibility that Musk's 9.2% stake in the company could force Twitter to cease the banning of contradictory points of view, Musk went all in and announced his desire to buy up every scrap of Twitter stock, at a price of $54.20/share. Musk would be giving up roughly $43 billion of his personal wealth, and the stockholders would be making a nice profit, as Musk's offer exceeded the stock’s actual worth.
And right on cue, here came the hysterics.
Wow. He’s so triggered by the thought of a free speech advocate, something that Twitter claims they are, taking over the company that he needs to quit and find a safe place to work.
I really love this bit published on TheNation.com:
Indeed, Musk’s tweets contain troubling clues about his hopes for Twitter. Beyond advocating for creating an edit button on individual posts and other, more eccentric proposals, Musk has implied that Twitter should amend or abandon its content moderation policies and follow his preferred version of free speech, which should give us pause.
And this bit of insight:
Core communications systems like Twitter shouldn’t be left to the whims of billionaires and profit-driven monopolies in the first place. Until we radically democratize such platforms and treat them as the essential public infrastructures they are—shared resources that shouldn’t be governed by market forces alone—Musk, Trump, or some other petulant billionaire can come along and make them their playthings.
Hey, Dumbass, ever heard of Jeff Bezos? You know, the little bald egomaniac who owns The Washington Post?
I’m sure you cheered long and loud every time The Post, the NY Times, CNN, MSNBC, and the rest (it’s like an evil version of Gilligan's Island) abandoned any journalistic ethics in their pursuit of destroying President Trump over the flimsiest, most ridiculous accusations anyone could think of; but it was OK for Bezos to do that cuz it was to get rid of Trump.
I guess liberals don't do irony.
Not a fan of the Bez-Man? What about this little twerp?
Oh yeah, good ol’ Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, who made the NY Post’s pre-election reporting on Joe and Hunter’s dirty dealing dissappear and routinely shadow bans conservative websites that try to use Facebook. And let’s not forget all the funny money that poured into get-out-the-vote organizations. Yep, no billionaire misuse of a “public space” to advance an agenda there 🙄
Twitter's Board is also going into panic mode, as explained by this piece from CNBC:
Twitter adopted a limited duration shareholder rights plan, often called a “poison pill,” a day after billionaire Elon Musk offered to buy the company for $43 billion, the company announced Friday.The board voted unanimously to adopt the plan.
Under the new structure, if any person or group acquires beneficial ownership of at least 15% of Twitter’s outstanding common stock without the board’s approval, other shareholders will be allowed to purchase additional shares at a discount.
The plan is set to expire on April 14, 2023.
Such a move is a common way to fend off a potential hostile takeover by diluting the stake of the entity eying the takeover.
“The Rights Plan will reduce the likelihood that any entity, person or group gains control of Twitter through open market accumulation without paying all shareholders an appropriate control premium or without providing the Board sufficient time to make informed judgments and take actions that are in the best interests of shareholders,” the company said in a press release.
Twitter noted that the rights plan would not prevent the board from accepting an acquisition offer if the board deems it in the best interests of the company and its shareholders.
Even the Feds are getting in on the action, courtesy of USANews.com:
WASHINGTON, D.C. – On the heels of billionaire Elon Musk’s offer to buy Twitter, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Department of Justice are reportedly launching a joint investigation into Musk.
This is interesting timing, especially given that leftists have been gnashing their teeth over the possibility that, under Musk, conservative Fascist Twitter users might actually find themselves on a platform that allows free speech.
Fox Business’s Charles Gasparino recently reported on the potential investigations on Neil Cavuto’s “Your World.”
Gasparino told Cavuto:
“He’s under investigation, a joint investigation, by the DOJ and the SEC over lots of stuff, including some of the stuff involving how he went about accumulating his shares on Fascist Twitter and how he disclosed that, whether he properly disclosed his intentions—which was obviously a full takeover—also some of this stuff with Tesla, you know, just disclosures there.”
Gasparino continued:
“It’s a joint investigation, it’s serious, I’m not saying — a lot of these investigations turn up nothing—- they’ve been looking at him for a long time, so you would think by now they’d have something, but they’re clearly—I spoke with a source, very close to it, who says it’s a serious investigation by the DOJ and the SEC into all those matters.”
I’m sorry, but why is the Federal government suddenly interested in harassing Elon Musk? Oh, I know why! Because if Musk buys out Twitter and opens the world up to a free flow of information about what's really going on, the Global Elitists will be exposed for being the self-serving, money-grubbing POS’ that they are! People will demand that Fauci and the Chinese government are held accountable! All of the sleazy dealings of the Bidens, the Obamas, the Clintons, Pelosi, Harris, and the rest (I’m going to have the Gilligan's Island theme song stuck in my head for the rest of the day) will come out.
You know, for a company that supposedly offers a free flow of conversation and information, there sure are a lot of powerful interests aligning to keep that from happening.