Could George Soros Have Reached That Far?
Recognize this guy? No, it’s not me after a long day in the sun. It’s George Soros, the Hungarian-born American billionaire. Soros’ name has been in the media for years, but it is within the last few years that his presence in American politics has become more pronounced.
For the uninitiated, Soros is a big believer in the “One World Without Borders” philosophy that seems to be favorite amongst the elites. Soros and his ilk have a utopian vision of humanity being able to live wherever it wants to, regardless of what kind of impact it might have on the society that already exists in a targeted location.
Before I jump ahead to his role in American disfunction, let me lay out a little background on his role in Europe. Back in 2016, Soros published a letter in the Wall Street Journal in which he stated the following:
The world has been unsettled by a surge in forced migration. Tens of millions of people are on the move, fleeing their home countries in search of a better life abroad. Some are escaping civil war or an oppressive regime; others are forced out by extreme poverty, lured by the possibility of economic advancement for themselves and their families.
Our collective failure to develop and implement effective policies to handle the increased flow has contributed greatly to human misery and political instability—both in countries people are fleeing and in the countries that host them, willingly or not. Migrants are often forced into lives of idle despair, while host countries fail to reap the proven benefit that greater integration could bring.
I have decided to earmark $500 million for investments that specifically address the needs of migrants, refugees and host communities. I will invest in startups, established companies, social-impact initiatives and businesses founded by migrants and refugees themselves. Although my main concern is to help migrants and refugees arriving in Europe, I will be looking for good investment ideas that will benefit migrants all over the world.
We will seek investments in a variety of sectors, among them emerging digital technology, which seems especially promising as a way to provide solutions to the particular problems that dislocated people often face. Advances in this sector can help people gain access more efficiently to government, legal, financial and health services. Private businesses are already investing billions of dollars to develop such services for non-migrant communities.
We will also work closely with organizations such as the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Rescue Committee to establish principles to guide our investments. Our goal is to harness, for public good, the innovations that only the private sector can provide.
I hope my commitment will inspire other investors to pursue the same mission.
Another way of looking at it is, Soros is saying he’s going to invest in, and encourages his fellow global elites to as well, in business ventures that will benefit the crush of unskilled migrants that began flooding into Europe in the 2010s. Granted, he doesn’t exactly specify what type of business ventures they are, or if they would even be legal when it comes to the soverignty of a nation’s borders. But if his efforts earn him and his fellow investors a few extra bucks, then what’s the harm?
What a noble guy.
Now you might be wondering what the effects of this mass migration have had on Europe. Couple this swarm of migrants with the increase in violent crimes that began to occur in 2015-2016 following German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to throw open her country’s borders to migrants fleeing the Syrian Civil War. A study by the Zurich University of Applied Sciences found that greater than 90% of the 10.4% increase in reported violent crimes, such as assault, rape and homicide, was attributed to young male immigrants in Germany's southern state of Lower Saxony. These huge influxes were not limited only to Germany, as they spread out across much of Europe.
So what has this led to in Europe? Civil unrest, rising crime rates, and a social safety net that is being stretched to the point of breaking by the demands of immigrants who came to the continent largely unskilled and illiterate in the languages of the nations they settled in. But society was expected to accomodate them, because that’s what their leaders wanted. The citizens weren’t asked how they felt about it; it was done to them whether they liked it or not.
Sound familiar at all? Hundreds of thousands of unskilled migrants who have little to no command of the English language pouring across America’s southern border? A government that invited them in, with no input from the citizens that its supposed to protect? A rise in violent crime? Human trafficking at astounding rates?
Is it at all possible that Soros’ money and influence have a hold over the members of the Biden Administration, who are the ones really making the decisions? We know Ol’ Puddin’ Brain isn’t really calling the shots. So is it possible that whoever really is the Power Behind the Throne being paid off by Soros and his organization to make astoundingly bad decisions that have wrecked our economy, destroyed our energy independence achieved under President Trump, and ruined our standing in the world community with Biden’s cowardly, @#$%*&-up retreat from Afghanistan and weakness in the face of international bullies like Russia, China and Iran.
We’ve already seen the effects that prosecutors that George Soros and his ilk have financed have had on major American cities. Kim Foxx in Cooke County, home to Chicago, George Gascon in Los Angeles, Larry Krasner in Philadelphia, Marilyn Mosby in Baltimore and Alvin Bragg in New York, are all Attorneys General over their respective cities and counties, having received millions of dollars into their election campaigns from Soros and his associates.
What has Soros’ money bought? Rising crime rates (with many of the crimes being committed against the minority populations Soros claims to care so much about), relaxed bail laws, and prosecutors who won’t prosecute crimes. My personal favorite is Kim Foxx’s refusal to press charges on several rival gang members that were involved in a shooting in Chicago in October 2021. Her rationale? It was “mutual combat.”
These kind of incomprehensible decisions boggle the mind. They give the impression that these individuals, tasked with upholding the law, are in fact doing the bidding of someone who wants to tear the United States down. And while they might all be like-minded in line with Soros’ philosophy, they may also be compromised by the financial hold he has over them.
Does that issue exist in the White House as well?
Food for thought.